Street Style?

Street Style by Chanelle19

Street Style by Chanelle19

Street Style by Chanelle19

Street Style by Chanelle19

Brogues by Chanelle19

Brogues by Chanelle19

What is street style?

Well, style on the street, duh… But no, not literally.

Street style, is when normal civilians like you and I wear what we feel like and when we feel like it, not following the rules ans regulations of fashion more commonly known as trends, but still somehow managing to effortlessly look good.

It’s not about being inspired, but rather inspiring. Did you know that some fashion designers take inspiration from the streets?

Street stylers, are the innovators and party starters, it’s not even about money and riches, it’s about rocking what you have, HARD!

Pretoria is said to not have style, this is due to recent cat fights and murmurs that have occurred in surrounding areas.. It’s Joburg this, Cape Town that… and hell yeah, there are a lot more “don’t care what you think” people out there in Jo’burg and Cape Town, but Pretoria can be and is, just as street savvy if you observe carefully and give the city a chance to unfold.

I don’t have to prove much anyway, you can clearly see for yourself what Pretoria aka PTA has to offer.

Two gentlemen looking fresh to death, and Nonku, feeling all indie-chic.

People that embrace their style, their minds… and do what they want to do to, when.

Keep a look out for South African , and more specifically Pretoria Street Style on my blog.

The Funki Munki

Munki - by Chanelle 19

Munki - by Chanelle 19

Munki - by Chanelle 19

Munki - by Chanelle 19

June Liu, is a forever funky, Taiwanese South African, and friend. Looking fresher than usual, here she’s wearing extremely eclectic, and innovative pieces, all the way from the Asian continent, Taiwan.

She mentions to me, “I just saw it and had to have it, I loved how different it was, and I like wearing things from home.”

June, having always receiving compliments on her very outstandingly unique wardrobe is also probably the only one rocking her dress-top and graffiti styled leggings.

“The scarf is from here though.”, says June. When asked what made her wear it today, she says, “Just felt like wearing something warm, and I didn’t have any denim..”

Nice one June.

Catch June out and about,  on her blog,