On the streets: Don

Don by Chanelle

Name: Don, Graphic /Web Designer – (@Don_LK)

Age:  22

Describe your style? What inspires it?

–          My style is simplistic. Clothes that fit me well, that is casual with a neutral colour palette. I wear bright colours in my outfit choices when I feel like being expressive. Honestly, comfort inspires my style. I usually pick out one item in my closet and dress around it – so basically it’s what item of clothing I feel for the day. E.g. I’ll dress around a sneaker, or check hoodie, etc.

What are your favourite brands or clothing items?

–          Hmmm, favourite brands. I love sneakers so Nike’s are my favourite, Vans are great too. In terms of clothes, I do like Adidas Classics, and items specifically include baseball jackets and hoodies which I love, other than that button up shirts are awesome, that fit well and create a sleek smart casual look. Shopping wise, I shop where they sell great clothes.

What type of music do you listen to?

–          I love rap and rock. I spend most of my time listening to music.

Three hot artists you can’t get enough of?

–          J.Cole, Mac Miller, and The Foo Fighters.

Three songs you’re feeling right now?

–          One Mic – Nas

–          Sideline Story – J.Cole

–          The Take Over, The Breaks Over – Fall Out Boy

What do you do in your free time?

–          I spend a lot of time with people, and go out with friends. I occasionally play soccer, and enjoy playing pool. I also spend a lot of time listening to music, and occasionally, writing it.

Words you live by

–          My favourite words are from Kobe Bryant, he says “The guy said NBA players are one in a million. I said, ‘Man I’m going to be that one in a million.’ Not that I believe I can be in the NBA or something, but I live my dreams.”

Back at it again.

Greetings to all new and familiar, I am Chanelle.

Yeah, that’s all you need to know – for now at least. So I’ve decided to re-start my blogging urge and to stay faithful this time, as I am inspired, feel it a need to connect with the world out there as I just experience and come across way too much to keep to myself.

Feel free to suggest anything more you’d like to hear or see.

This photo was taken last week Friday, by my good friend – photographer Karabo Matala. The setting was a bit of my outraged randomness, and a thought I knew she’d make come alive. You like?

Till next time.

More action, than words.